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OnLINES Publisher's Description

  • Challenging and fun board game
  • Black&White and Color PDA
  • English Instruction
  • Stylus control
  • High score and Game preference saving

    The rules for this game are very simple. You move the balls, one at a time, trying to create horizontal, vertical or diagonal lines of five or more balls of the same color. If you succeed, this line disappears and you get some points, if not, there will be three more balls thrown on the board. Their color and position will be random. The game ends when the board is filled up. You can move a ball by tapping on it first and then on its destination. By the difficult level, a ball can be moved only if there is a path to the destination cell not blocked by the other balls. The more balls you remove at once the more bonus points you get.

    Enjoy !
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